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Marianne Broug is a photographer and conservationist.


She used to be a professional musician and music teacher, and played in the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra.


She lives on Kaurna land, in the beautiful Adelaide Hills of South Australia.

"I hope my photos speak for themselves. And speak for me. I hope they convey my love for the Australian bush, for Belair National Park and for silence."



Please check out my profile and observations on iNaturalist by clicking on the image below.

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I am passionate about our natural world and our environment. I am passionate about looking beyond the consensus human perspective and seeing that there are countless other perspectives, equally as beautiful and equally as valuable. I am passionate about beauty ... about bio-diversity ... about photography!

In 2019 I was given a camera. It wasn't a fancy camera. In 2019 I was also introduced to a South Australian based nature group by an acquaintance who saw my photo of two moths mating.








I bought myself a macro lens and the rest is history. Something ignited in me that I could not have predicted. I felt that I was doing what I was 'meant' to do.

I had always been a 'noticer', seeing the small things many others may miss, and now I had a vehicle for looking closer and deeper and then sharing what I see. 

One of the greatest joys of macro photography has been taking photos of bugs. To see their perfection down to the tiniest detail, to interact with their extraordinary intelligence and sentience is always awing and always a privilege. I can see beauty in a small bug on the lid of the garbage bin. It knows I am there and we engage in a 'conversation' of sorts. It is also so very clear that it does not wish to be harmed. 

When I am out in he bush taking photos of bugs and someone stops to ask me what I'm doing, the most common reaction is either "yuck", or a dismay that these bugs are eating the leaves of trees.

But the reality is that this is all part of life ... of a delicious wholeness that includes bugs and leaves and eating and pooping and birds and flowers and plants. Each aspect relies on the other. What would a bird eat without bugs? What would a bug eat without leaves? What would the leaves eat without death and decay?

Beyond this, with macro photography, even a backyard offers a wealth of photo opportunities. And every day it is different. There is a spider crawling near my back door that wasn't there yesterday.

Additionally macro photography is a meditation of sorts. I stop, look, observe ... I take time to notice the tiniest movements of our natural world, and it is so clear to me that we are not separate from it.

But I am not just a macro photographer ... the world is a fascinating place ... I see birds and clouds and sky and flowers and animals ... I feel a thrill at seeing a bandicoot or a koala ... and grab for my camera ...

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What I offer ...

  • All my photos are available for purchase. Please contact me to discuss pricing. I can organise to have them professionally printed in any size and delivered to you.

  • photos and collages I have used in conservation campaigns can either be professionally printed for you, or I'm happy to discuss providing a free-for-use file if they are for non-profit environmental, conservation or educational use.

  • I have a vast knowledge of the fauna, flora and fungi of Adelaide and the Mount Lofty Ranges and understand the necessity for conserving its bio-diversity and natural spaces. I can be contacted to scope a site and take photos for conservation, personal or education purposes.

  • I am happy to make up any collage of a subject that interests you

  • I can take photos of your garden or property, focussing mostly on macro or close-up. I don't take photos of people or buildings. 

    Please feel free to contact me.

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© 2025 by Marianne Broug

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