Over the years, as I’ve been out wandering in the bush with my camera, a deepening has taken place.
As I walk, it’s as though I’m walking myself ever deeper into the natural world, and as I do, the boundaries between myself and nature blur. I see without a shadow of a doubt that there is only one thing happening. And that one thing is Life.
And in Life everything belongs and everything is connected. Everything shares this planet and this air. There is no ‘business’ or ‘activity’ that is any less necessary or important than my own. Nothing stands apart from the wholeness not even ourselves. The interconnections, the subtleties, the nuances, the complexity, the biodiversity, all within the singularity of existence, are in every moment literally breathtaking. This is the world that is our home. This is the world of which I partake every single day.
As human beings we have the capacity to separate things out and look at them in isolation. We might look at a half-eaten leaf and bemoan the fact that it isn’t perfect and so squish the culprit caterpillar. We might get out a can of bug spray to kill the aphids on our roses. But we don’t look any further. We don’t assess the ramifications of what we’re doing. We don’t educate ourselves. We don’t see that the caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly or that the aphids are the food of countless other insects in the ecosystem.
Someone asked me the other day, “But how do you educate, when along with plastic grass and concrete, the ‘every bug is a pest’ mentality is so prevalent?” I replied something along the lines of:
Yes that mentality is very prevalent … but I can’t ponder the “How do you educate question … ” I am just moved to DO … hence my posters and so much of my other material. I have to speak out because the bugs don’t have a voice and I do. One person perhaps, but I can only account for myself and I know that education doesn’t happen if I remain silent … the ripples move outward …
These posters are my latest offering and can be freely shared.
Click on each image to download the PDF full resolution file.