In the Media and in Publications
I have been honoured and delighted to be included as a guest author and photographer on the
Ausemade - Showcase Australia site.
Although based out of Alice Springs, the site contains an extraordinary amount of information on the natural beauty of Australia as a whole. It is well worth a visit.
Please click on the image (right) to link to my page on the site. Many further links on that page lead to my photographs, information about the Adelaide Hills and Belair National Park and also to some feature articles.
My images used extensively in the South Australian State of the Environment Report for 2023.
Please use the search feature on the site to view them all.

My image of Caladenia leptochila, Narrow-lipped Spider Orchid (also called Queen Spider Orchid), shared on the Friends of Belair National Park Facebook page, Oct 2023.

My image of Zygometis xanthogaster, Milky Flower Spider, used by the Atlas of Living Australia in various places and media. September, 2023.
Also in Cosmos Magazine and by the CSIRO.

My images used in the Conservation Council SA 2023 Calendar, in support of Adelaide's trees and canopy #LoveMyCanopySA.
The centre spread of my photos in The Sunday Mail, July 18, 2021.
Article by Clare Peddie.
Photos featuring Belair National Park.

Just stop for a miute and look to the sid of the path, see the way raindrops shine in the early-morning sun and explore the fine detail of the magnificent natural world, she says.
“If you just get into the silence of the place, and what’s happening there, into the space that’s beyond words, I suppose it is a communing with nature, but it’s almost more than that.” Ms Broug says, “We need these big silent spaces, these place that are still not too spoiled, to just replenish and, you know, just feel a more grounded perspective in a way.” "
"Immersed in the silence, surrounded by the natural beauty of Belair National Park, Marianne Broug captures every blessing, every moment of sheer joy and wonder, for all to see.
The Hawthorndene resident has lived in the area for 30 years but only occasionally visited the park until two years ago, when she bought a camera and decided to go for a walk.
Now she takes photos almost every day and shares her discoveries with local community, to show people what’s there, right on their doorstep.
Beyond the blackberries and weeds, there are untouched areas, beautiful bits of the park where there’s “a wealth of orchids and bugs and bandicoots”.
Images featured on the ABC TV weather segment.
Click each image for full size. See images on ABC Flickr ...

My image Acacia after Rain featured in the 2020 ABC News Weather Calendar for September..